Παρασκευή 10 Αυγούστου 2007

A poet steals words from open windows

L... A drop.
L...A crystal drop.
L... A life.
Poetry never ends. With cruelty, it comes with wings of silver and henna, like a flash from a lost boat. It comes with the remains of the forgotten trees, comes as a magician pulling thunders out of our hearts. Simply, it walks in the rain with an umbrella made of a sun leaves; searching for a colour; a bright colour; a face: Your face!
A poet steals the words from the opened windows; just like a crow! Searching in chained circles for a drop, a crystal drop, a life.
L...Rain! L... Rain in us.
L....Many drops, L....many crystals.
L... A colour, L....all colours.
So we can live many lives!

4 σχόλια:

Ανώνυμος είπε...

As I was watching the film my personal stories came to the surface ,stories of loss I had long hidden in myself .I was diving into a beautiful oblivion full of strong emotions happy and devastating at the same time There were times I felt like crying and others I felt like smiling.Thank you for this generous film

Ανώνυμος είπε...

The film... A visual poem of life. The visuals and imagery are strong. The music is also good and is integrated well. The characters seem more like archetypes than individuals - most of the dialog is like poetic narration - with great pieces of wisdom and deep reflection. And the sensuality is beautifully depicted. Even though the theme throughout was loss, I didn't feel the emotion of loss, The poetic narrative voice imposes a distance from the actual feeling of loss, but offers a journey through the landscape of loss and transforms loss into a deeper wisdom.The film is inspiring to me

Ανώνυμος είπε...

After the screening I was left speechless by the beauty and the style and the content of the film
The feeling the one gets out of Hold Me is enormously strong it looks very poetic and colourful
a film of extraordinary beauty, that lovemaking on the highway is a classic scene!
The music is very beautiful and the story is extremely moving. I have been caught in a web of loss this past year and, thus, the story touches me all the more.

Ανώνυμος είπε...

I hope the film gets what it deserves as it was made from the water of our hearts... The RAINBOW.